The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Reporting Absence

Please notify the appropriate school office if your child is unwell or absent from school for any reason by 9.30am at the latest on the first day of absence.  

Unfortunately we cannot rely on messages via the bus escort.  Please keep us updated on their progress and proposed return date.  When your child is well enough to return to school please send in a note confirming the reason for absence. 

It is important to note that all absences are monitored and if your child is not in school and the school office have not been notified you will receive a telephone call to clarify the reason for absence.  We thank you for your continued support in this matter.

Crayford site (01322-524145)Sidcup site (020 8302 1743)

Secondary/Shenstone co Jubilee Primary site (07513 826678)

Antibiotics - if your child is prescribed antibiotics please do not send them into school for the first 48 hours of the first dose.  If after this time your child is well enough they may return to school.

If your child needs Calpol or similar to see them through the day it suggests they are not really well enough to attend school.
Notification must be written to the Executive Head Teacher in a separate letter (not the home school contact book) of any appointments your child may require during the school day, approximately how long your child will be off and whether they require a school meal that day if appropriate.